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                             UnPackTime procedure

  DECLARATION:  UnPackTime(Time : LongInt; Var DT : DateTime;                   );

      PURPOSE:  Converts a packed date/time into a DateTime record

         UNIT:  DOS

      REMARKS:  Converts a 4-byte, packed Date-and-Time LongInt returned
                by GetFTime, FindFirst, or FindNext into an unpacked
                DateTime record

                       DateTime = Record
                          Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec : Integer;

                Valid ranges for the fields in the DateTime record are:

                    Year 1980..2099     Month 1..12     Day 1..31
                    Hour 0..23          Min 0..59       Sec 0..59

See Also: GetTime GetFTime UnPackTime DateTime
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson